
At Southern Junior Rugby, we believe that rugby is more than just a game - it’s about building confidence, making friends, and having a great time while staying active. We’re focused on developing kids skills on and off the field.

Why Rugby?

Playing rugby teaches kids so much more than how to pass and tackle. It helps them:

  • Grow in confidence: they’ll learn to back themselves
  • Stay active: it’s a great way to keep fit and healthy
  • Work as a team: learn to support their mates, communicate, and respect others.

Our approach

We make sure our kids feel welcome and have the chance to grow their skills, no matter their experience level. Our junior program includes:

  • Awesome coaches focused on building rugby skills and confidence while having fun
  • Making sure our kids feel welcome, whether they're new to the game or looking for a change in rugby community, we’ve got a spot for them
  • Creating a supportive community environment where both kids and whānau make connections

Keen to join us?

Registrations for the 2025 season open Saturday 1 March. Register online via Xplorer: https://myaccount.rugbyxplorer.com.au/choose-registration?name=Southern%20Rugby%20Football%20Club  

  • You (the parent) will need to create a profile in Xplorer
  • You will then need to add each of your children to your profile. Please take care when entering their details such as date of birth as this can not be changed easily.
  • Once you have profiles for your kids, select ‘Register’, ‘Find a club’ and search for ‘Southern Rugby Football Club’ (and make sure to select the one that has Otago, Highlanders underneath)
  • When you get to the school section, click on Not Applicable if you can't find their school
  • When you get to the end there will be a note about payments, select the top check box that says you will organise payment with your club directly
  • Please pay your fees via internet banking, $40 per person.

Bank details:
Southern Rugby Football Club

Particulars: child's first initial and surname 
Code: 2025 FEES
Reference: Year (e.g., Nippers, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7, Y8)

Club Open Day is 12 April, 10am- 12pm. Please join us at our first get together for the season; meet you team mates, have a kai and a bit of fun.

Any questions, please contact the Junoir Committee: southernjuniorrugby@gmail.com

Junior Contact