Weekend Programme

Friday 31st May:

5.00pm:        Club rooms open for registration packs etc 

6.00pm:        Official evening starts - bar open

7.15pm:            Presidents Welcome

8.00pm:        Special Announcements  

12.00:             Midnight Bar Closes

(Finger food will be served during the evening)

Saturday 1st June:

9am:             Junior Rugby starts

10.30am:      1980-81-82 Group to meet at Salt Bar, St Clair Esplanade for Brunch.

11.15am:      Junior Prizegiving in Clubrooms    

12.30pm:     Club Rooms Open – Club kitchen open for food all day

12.45pm:  Southern Prem Dev v Zingari Southern Premier Colts v Dunedin Makos

Southern Junior Colts v University White

  2.15pm:    Group Photo in Clubrooms (or outside)

​​​​​​​  2.45pm:         Premier - Southern v Zingari (Eric Watson/ Life Members Cup)

  5.30pm:       After Match Function 

  6.00pm:      Meal Serving Commences

  7.15pm:         140th Jersey Auction

  8.00- 8.30pm: Band Starts - Sidewalk Sally

 Midnight Bar Closes

Sunday 2nd June

11am:   Clubrooms open - informal get together and farewells. 

1pm:    "Holy Sunday" social for players and supporters.

Please Note:

  • Wristbands will be issued with your registration pack for identification to receive a meal. It is essential that these are worn on Saturday Night.
  • Appreciate you wear your Name Badges at all times.
  • Limited transport will be available on Friday and Saturday evening.
  • For those still to PAY - PAYMENT may be made to the SRFC Bank Account No ANZ 06 0901 0043080 00 as soon as possible or at the Club rooms on Friday Evening.
  • We have Eftpos/paywave that accepts credit cards (surcharge applies).

I am sure everyone is looking forward to meeting up with old friends.